Energy Choice Ohio is an online tool that allows Ohio consumers compare electric rates in ohio contract terms and prices from a wide range of electric and natural gas suppliers. It is PUCO’s aim to create an efficient market in the state.
Apples to Apples Ohio provides side-by-side comparisons of natural gas and electric supplier rates for new customers. It lists the offers of all suppliers in Ohio that accept new business and is managed by Energy Choice Ohio. It only contains offers from suppliers that are accepting new customers, therefore it is important to verify the price and terms before signing the contract.
In a market deregulated consumers can choose the best service to meet their needs and reduce their monthly bills. They can also search for contracts that provide a fixed rate plan with renewable energy, as well as top customer service.
If you are looking for electricity or gas be sure to consider the rates as well as the benefits, overall costs, and contract terms. Select a provider with a good reputation and the best choices for your needs.
How to choose an Ohio energy supplier
In Ohio, there are over 80 energy supply companies that purchase electricity from power generation companies and sell it to customers like you. Each provider has its own plans and prices for electricity, which can make it difficult to select the best one.
The PUCO has created a “Price to Compare” for each utility that is controlled by PUCO. It is the cost per kilowatt hour that each utility charges for energy supply. This rate is approved by PUCO and is based on the market, but is subject to change monthly due to changes in patterns of use and utility costs.
Community Aggregates for Natural Gas
PUCO regulates aggregation programs, which allow citizens in an area to purchase their gas supply from a single energy provider as if they were all consumers of the same utility company. This can help customers save money because the price of natural gas is less. However, you are not required to remain with an aggregation program if you decide to switch suppliers.
Energy Aggregation Rules for Ohio
To allow a community to be able to participate in an energy aggregation scheme, a municipality must agree to a fixed price that is paid to the energy supplier. PUCO approves the price which is the cheapest possible rate that any energy provider is able to offer to the population of the community.
If you’re in an aggregation, be sure to verify the price each quarter and locate a supplier who can offer you an affordable price. Some aggregation groups may charge an early termination fee to switch your natural gas supply.
Does it matter who supplies my energy?
In Ohio the local utility (also known as a distribution utility) offers you electricity or natural gas. They provide energy to your office or home, read your meter, and respond to any emergency.